Regarding the registration form, please find 'registration' notice.
Deadline for submission would be July 31st. (KST)
Email for submission:
o April 18: Corrected outline updated : U15 player born in 2009 or later, not 2015
o May 9: booklet(v1.2) updated : free guest fee for infants under 8 years old
o May 27: booklet(v1.3) updated: night walk in schedule is excluded due to safety issue / Dominican Republic is added to the invited list
flight guideline(v1.2) updated: Czech Republic added to reciprocity country
oJuly 4: booklet(v2.0) updated: changed schedule (365 Safetown tour is excluded due to language service issue and AI Sense robot prize would change due to the same issue)
oJuly 24: booklet(v2.1) updated: changed words, 'all meals' to 'Lunch and dinner' to avoid any misunderstanding (The meals stated on the schedule will be provided.)