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Amateur No.1 Kim Jung-Sun won the Prime Minister's Cup World Baduk Championship

date: 2022-09-30 | views: 577

▲ Kim Jung-Sun, amateur 7 dan(Left) VS Robert Van Zeijst(Right) from Netherlands. Kim Jung-Sun said, "Round 4 was most difficult to win."


  •  <17th KPMC>

 52 countries participated in the tournament, winning all 6 games to win




 On the day Oh Yoo-jin 9-dan lifted the Oh Cheong-won Cup trophy on the professional stage, Kim Jung-sun, Ama 7-dan, rose to the highest peak on the stage. Kim Jung-sun, South Korea's representative, won the World Baduk Festival, where athletes from 52 countries participated.


The 17th Prime Minister Kim Jung-sun, who was ranked first in Ama in Korea, just got off in Gwangju on the 28th


▲ The appearance of the venue at BItgoeul Gymnasium in Gwangju.

The competition, which was converted to an online giant for the past two years due to COVID-19 and held as a face-to-face giant for the first time in three years, held a heated battle at Bitgoeul Gymnasium in Gwangju for three days from the 27th.

Kim Jung-sun beat Christobal Bravo of Mexico and Bogatsky Dmytroki of Ukraine on the first day, followed by Wichrich Karuehawanit of Thailand, Robert van Zeijst of the Netherlands, Yu-Cheng Lai of Taiwan, and Ozeki Minoru of Japan.


The competition, which was converted to an online giant for the past two years due to COVID-19 and held as a face-to-face giant for the first time in three years, held a heated battle at Bitgoeul Gymnasium in Gwangju for three days from the 27th.

▲ Continental Winners








▲ Hosted by the Korea Baudk Federation and Gwangju Metropolitan City, organized by the KBF and the Gwangju Baduk Association, and sponsore by the ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism and the Korea Sports Association. In addition, the Korea Sports Promotion Foundation and Gwangju Metropolitan City were in charge of financial support, and the AGF(Asian Baduk Federation) and the European Baduk Federation cooperated.


▲ Kim Jung-Sun amateru 7 dan is ranked 1st on KBF (Korea Baduk Federation) Amateur Ranking System.
